Hi, I’m Brett
I am a Canadian who, like many, had a dream to live abroad. I studied French Immersion for 13 years and in the back of my mind I always knew Paris held a piece of my heart. In hind sight, I must’ve manifested this. I had an Eiffel Tower poster on my wall in my dorm room in my first year of university. I then upgraded my art to a framed Parisian painting that I hung up in my first apartment in Vancouver. Many years later, I moved to Paris in the spring of 2023 and have learned a lot from the challenges that come with being an expat. But also, the immense gratitude I feel every day to call this space my “home,” even just for a little while. I wanted to build these guides to help you plan your dream trip to Paris so you can fall in love with it as much as I have.
Bon voyage !